Many companies face difficulties when searching for solutions for document distribution, storage, administration, maintaining an audit trail, etc. They need a system that can control, organise and direct the flow of information or files in their company. Doccept is Electronic Document Management System (DMS) software that allows multiple users in businesses to streamline their processes and be more efficient.

Their software has a strong emphasis on storage, archiving and document life-cycle management including document expiry. They offer a flexible workflow that incorporates business processes into your document management. They enable your company to streamline business processes and become paperless with intelligent, rules-based workflow management.

We love working with Doccept because they help our clients to manage their data effectively, which means saving costs and increased efficiency. Their application offers the best functional depth for document management and can stand on its own or integrate with other integration applications.

KBIT is proud to partner with Doccept as our DMS partner because they are mobile ready, a web-enabled application and have a low start-up and maintenance cost to name a few reasons. More benefits of choosing to partner with KBIT and Doccept include:

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